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Purchase of real estate

Posted by atlant.estate on 12.02.22

Are you planning to buy an apartment, house or office? Or maybe you are looking for an exceptional property for investment? Atlant Estates offers comprehensive assistance with the purchase of real estate. We care about our clients, so we walk with them through the entire purchase process – from the brokerage agreement to the transfer of ownership. We not only search for the property, but also check it from a legal point of view, conduct negotiations with the seller, as well as help in obtaining a loan, agree on the terms of the preliminary agreement and the purchase/sale contract. We also do not leave the client after the purchase – our partners will also help you with the design and renovation of the purchased property.

Buying a property with Atlant Estates means:

Free initial consultation.
Detailed analysis of customer needs.
Individually tailored offers from the primary and secondary market.
Free presentations of selected offers.
Verification of the technical and legal status of selected properties.
Negotiation of contract terms with the seller (at the client’s request).
Preparation of a preliminary contract.
Acceptance of the property.

In addition, we offer the support of our partners who:

They will design your future apartment based on your preferences.
They will carry out the renovation of the property according to your guidelines.
They will insure the purchased property on favorable terms.

Are you interested in buying a property in Wroclaw or its surroundings? Contact us and we will find it for you


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